Sunday Nov 11, 2018

7:00 - 9:30 am*


Executive Chef Sébastien Tessier and his team have designed banquet and buffet menus inspired by fresh, sustainable, and locally produced ingredients.

*Buffet is open

8:30 am | Choose (A) or (B)

Option ( A )

( Anne Douglas )

Discover this ancient and ecstatic expression of Yoga that originated in the forests of Kashmir, India, and has been enlivened by the addition of contemporary music and classical hatha yoga poses. This unique expression of Yoga Sadhana, is also called “The Dance of Shiva” or “The Cosmic Dance” and is a moving meditation that emerges from the inside out.

You will be skillfully guided through simple steps to awaken your innate sense of freedom and spontaneity. Anne Douglas has been formally practicing Tandava for 10 years, and informally practicing for as long as she can remember! She has been teaching yoga and meditation for 30 years.

Option ( B )

Healing Piano Meditation

Caryn Kilback and William Cunningham will accompany you on a transcending journey by means of the piano and a diversity of tones, harmonies, and rhythms tuned to the A-432 frequency.

This experience will assist in opening your neurological pathways and awakening your creative spirit.

Caryn’s thoughtful expertise will guide you safely through the passages to greater awareness and balance.

Led by Caryn Kilback & William Cunningham

9:30 am


9:45 am | Choose (A), (B) or (C)

Option ( A )

Yoga To Manage Mood
( Jody Misak & Patricia Parsons )

Mental illness indirectly affects all of us at one point or another, either through our own personal experience, a family member or perhaps a friend. In this workshop Jody Misak and Patricia Parsons will explore traditional Yoga techniques in breathing, easy postures and guided meditations to help in managing your mood and give an overall sense of wellbeing.

We will learn:

• Pranayama (breathing techniques) that help regulate the emotions

• Creating positive Intentions to foster self esteem

• Gentle Asana (guided postures) to clear energy that may be stuck

• How to effectively use mantras (chanting sound, word or phrases)

• Meditation to clear Chakras (energy channels) for optimal wellness

• Yoga Nidra to calm and help cool the nervous system

• To centre and balance

In our day to day lives we have many rolls and finding balance can be difficult. Reaching balance is a learning process, but good mental health is within everyone’s grasp.

*This workshop is available to all levels and no yoga experience is necessary.

Option ( B )

Releasing Toxic Energy Through Forgiveness
( Teresa Lynn )

Teresa Lynn will be holding the space for those that want to explore the value of self love and forgiveness. The journey that we are all on brings us through experiences that can often be a place of repeated destructive behavioural patterns and stored anxiety in the body. It's when we can find a new perspective of those experiences, we can release the pain surrounding those memories and replace that pain with love and gratitude.

Through a brief telling of her own tale of trauma, healing, forgiveness and helping others heal, the door is opened for a safe space to share perspectives on what healing can mean for you. Toxic energy in your body can be released and transmuted into pure love. Self love, love of others, love for the universe that holds you safely in its arms can be realized here.

Option ( C )

Sleep Remedy
( Anne Douglas )

Sleep debt has become a world wide epidemic. Our fast paced lifestyles and chronic over stimulation have created an imbalance in body, mind and spirit. Learn why sleep is so critical to your health, what happens when you don’t get enough of it, and best practices to bring you, your clients or your loved ones back on track.

Anne Douglas has been studying and offering sleep practices for over 20 years. She travels internationally to facilitate trainings, workshops and retreats and is the creator of the iRest Daily Meditation Program She has been teaching yoga and meditation for 30 years and has almost 2 million listens to her meditations on the Simple Habit app.

11:00 am

BREAK | Short Beverage & Snack Break

11:15 am

Sessions & workshops (A) - (C) repeat

Option ( A ) Yoga To Manage Mood

Option ( B ) Releasing Toxic Energy Through Forgiveness

Option ( C ) Sleep Remedy

12:30 pm


Lunch is included as part of all-inclusive or add-on packages.

If you did not choose a meal or all-inclusive package there is no need to panic! There are several great options available around Banff Centre. On site we recommend MacLab Bistro.

1:30 pm | Choose (A) or (B)

Option ( A )

Shinrin Yoku – Forest Bathing
( Ronna Schneberger )

Give yourself the gift of time in nature. Science shows that spending time in the forest can reduced symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, boost immunity, and increase your memory and ability to focus.

For the past 25 years Ronna Schneberger has been exploring ways of connecting people to themselves through time in wild places. One of the first people in Canada to guide the simple yet powerful practice of Shinrin Yoku.

You won’t get these results hiking, running or mountain biking. It’s a different, way of being in nature. By going out with a guide you will be shown how to tap into this simple yet powerful practice. Once you know how to do it, you can practice it at anytime, anywhere, for free, and reap the benefits yourself.

Option ( B )

NŪMA Breathwork | A Vibrational Medicine Journey
( Trevor Yelich )

Take a profound and transformative journey within your Self; turn inwards with your breath as guide and healer.

Unwind, release, and melt within the living vibrational matrix of medicine drum, didgeridoo, crystal chimes, bowls, and harmonic language.

Relax into community, fully self-empowered to explore the energetic continuum of your body, beliefs, emotions, and non-physical realms.

Open and clear the pathways to health and wellbeing on all levels.

Nourish yourself and molt that which no longer serves.

Detoxify, rejuvenate, energize, release, express, integrate, clarify, and heal.

Each breath is a key… curious what’s behind the door? Learn more with Trevor Yelich.

4:00 - 6:30 pm

Empower Hour


Well actually more like hours, but empower hours just doesn't quite have the same ring to it... This is your chance to explore the property, Banff or maybe retreat to your room for a break.


Need something more to complete your wellness experience? We will have some amazing practitioners on hand offering massage, reiki, tarot, sound healing, and more!


Feel the need to Explore? Let our partners at Discover Banff Tours take you on an adventure. From a scenic sightseeing rides up the Banff Gondola, to icewalk and cave tours.

View additional options here ----- > Discover Banff Tours

6:30 pm


Break bread and enjoy and amazing meal with your fellow guests. Executive Chef Sébastien Tessier and his team have designed banquet and buffet menus inspired by fresh, sustainable, and locally produced ingredients.

8:00 pm

Sound Healing Concert
( Cosmic Throat Singer Matthew Kocel )

Recognized as an emerging leader in the world sound healing movement, Matthew Kocel is a throat singer, sound healer, multi-instrumentalist, composer and recording artist with over 3 decades experience as a performer and multi-disciplinary healing arts practitioner.

He is a committee member of the Global Wellness Institute Sound Healing Initiative, and in the last year alone has shared his vision inducing music in France, New York, the western United States and Canada.

With his throat singing, overtone chant and natural voice Matthew has tapped into a universal stream of music that feels deeply familiar yet new at the same time.

The harmonic overtones of his voice – 2, 3 or more notes sounding at the same time – resonate to the core of your being, expanding awareness beyond the physical body and 5 senses.

Accompanied by humble acoustic instruments and ancient technology, Matthew’s live performances have impacted people from all walks of life in North America, Europe, Central and South America.

Reactions to Matthew’s music have been well documented online with people consistently sharing similar stories of non-ordinary experiences during his events.

10:00pm - Midnight

Retro Flashback Dance Party

Artist announcement coming soon!