Imagine the journey of becoming the Dance.
Moving each cell, each molecule – creating space for the mind to relax and to let the body groove. Imagine a place of pure enjoyment, a deep presence with Self and smiling from the inside out.
With Ecstatic Dance DJ Kylee Dawn, she thrives off creating intentional dance journeys.
Kylee Dawn has a passion for the Inner Journey. Through ecstatic dance, breathwork, sound and stillness, it all has its place for adventuring within. Kylee Dawnguides those into the heart, to awaken, activate and embrace knowing one’s being. Along her path, she has explored many modalities and mentors, which have empowered her to bring her own gifts to life. Kylee Dawn has been facilitating ecstatic trance dance and breathwork since 2006, is the founder of Inner Journeys; a certified Kundalini Dance Facilitator; a certified Ritual Trance Dance Facilitator; a Reiki Master; a Transpersonal Breathwork Facilitator, a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher, and a Developmental Gymnastics Coach. She is also the founder of Inshala Festival, and co-owner of Evolved Productions.
Leave feeling inspired and uplifted.
Inspire. Expand. Freedom.